The “Espoir” Attitude (Director’s Treatment)
The Espoir girl is a freethinking young woman. She is liberal and lives life to the fullest. She is fun driven, not focused on career or self-gain. She is self-confident and trendy, possessing her own unique sense of style. She is full of energy, living today like there is no tomorrow. She is not concerned about the future and lives in the moment. She likes music and movies and would rather be active and socializing than at home surfing social media. She is tech-savvy and modern, getting her information via the internet or word of mouth. She is curious and emotional with a cute, lively, and bouncy attitude. Her eyes are sparkling with energy. She is secure and confident in her physicality. She is very comfortable in her skin with a personality that is larger than life. She is constantly on the move and energetic. Her lovable and vivacious spirit appeals to all ages and sexes. She is truly unique.